Rasbora - Harlequin (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)
Rasbora - Harlequin (Trigonostigma heteromorpha)
Harlequin Rasbora
Temp- 21-28c
PH- 5-7.5
Diet- Omnivore
Max Size- 4.5cm
Aquarium fanatics love the harlequin rasbora because care is very simple and they are an eye-catching addition to any home aquarium.
This tiny and beautiful fish is native to Singapore , Malaysia, Sumatra and Southern Thailand. But, due to its bright and vibrant colours, you can see it in small freshwater aquariums all over the world. It is an impressive hardy fish suitable for beginners. If you keep the tank clean, make sure your fish is safe, and feed it correctly, your fish can live for up to 6 years.
Usually, this fish is friendly and enjoys swimming with members of its kind and with other animals. Most of the time, if they live with larger or more aggressive species the fish may be victims of abuse. The harlequin rasbora displays curious shoaling behaviour, which usually moves in groups. Watching the fish for hours is something most aquarium hobbyists enjoy because they can track how the individuals interact within their groups to travel in harmony.
Harlequin rasboras are omnivorous, feeding on a number of plants and other smaller marine insects, as well as larvae. It's necessary to provide them with a range of foods to keep the fish healthy.
Choosing sociable and peaceful tankmates is a good idea to make sure all of your fish live happily. Great candidates for your aquarium are small barbs, dwarf gouramis, cardinal tetras, guppies, mollies, danios, and other little rasboras.
Bettas are great tankmates for your rasboras with harlequins. All of them live in the same environment and enjoy swimming in peace, so you'll be sure to have a beautiful set of healthy fish that will continue to wander the aquarium for hours.